Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Let's Explore Uldum!

Izzy took a flying tour of Uldum, one of the new Cata zones, tonight.

 The gate of Uldum, in the location from the live server.

 Inside the gate. The chest at the end of the room is for a quest, but I didn't do it yet. :P

 The new entrance to Uldum. Currently, this is the only "opening" you may fly into; when you try to fly over the walls to Silithus or Un'goro, you are stopped by an invisible wall.

 Some of these I took with my UI still up obviously; you will live. A big statue thing.

 It's pretty cool how the desert architecture and the water meshes together.

 Cat guy!

 They come in different flavors.

 Have I mentioned yet how amazing the new water is?

 The wind is blowing in this area, blowing sand off the structures.

 There are two of these guys HIGH up on mountains guarding the entrance to a pass.

 A big obelisk in the background; these things are huge.

 A waterfall and a rainbow, in the middle of the desert!

 This new model is pretty cool.

 Stone statues guarding a giant pyramid.

 Not sure what this guy is for, he is a statue and it looks like he is holding a sun in his hand. He's hiding out beneath the obelisk in the pic below.

 Giant obelisk. The round thing in the background is the moon.

 Twisty tornado in SE Uldum. I wonder if Robin Williams is in there....

 The shiny things on either side of the doorway are waterfalls.
 There's a river running through Uldum.

Very cool moonscape over the ocean off the coast of Uldum.

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